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Learning Opportunities

Earn 1 full credit (1/2 credit each semester) by completing a career related internship or job experience through the Career Path (CP) Internship Course: 

Career Path Internship 1430ELO

Grade Level: 11, 12                Credit:  ½ or 1             Type: Elective

Prerequisite: Completed CP Internship Application  (click HERE for application form)

This semester or year-long CPS online course will provide students the opportunity to explore career interests and develop job skills through "real world" experience at an internship or employment site. Students are required to complete a minimum of 50 hours per semester at their internship/job site(s)* in addition to completion of course assignments such as: monthly journals, writing a resume and cover letter, and participating in performance evaluations. Students will also be required to maintain a timesheet documenting their internship hours.  Students enrolling in this course should be self-motivated and responsible with strong time management skills. Students must provide their own transportation to/from their internship/job site.  Students are responsible for choosing and setting up their internship/job site(s); however, if needed, the course instructor can provide assistance in locating appropriate internship placement. Interns must complete and submit the CP Internship Application to Mrs. Reed ( BEFORE the start of the class.  Students may choose to intern/work at more than one site during the semester or year.

*Students may complete their 50 hours during the summer prior to the school year in which they are enrolled in the CP Internship course. The CP Internship Application must be completed and submitted prior to the start of the summer for any summer hours to be accepted. Students must write a resume, maintain a timesheet and have their summer hours verified by the internship site supervisor, be evaluated by their site supervisor, and write a paper over their experience (prompt available on our Schoology site) in order to earn .5 credits for summer work.