AUT Policy
Students who are seniors and have AUT may leave the building with a parent permission form already on file. They must sign out at the main office but do not need to sign back in. If a senior student has 1st or 4th period AUT, they can change their schedule from AUT to Release Time*.
Similarly, juniors who have AUT can also leave the building with a parent permission form on file. They must sign out at the main office but do not need to sign back in. If a junior student has 1st or 4th period AUT, they may change their schedule from AUT to Release Time*.
Sophomores with AUT are allowed to move about the building, but they may not leave the premises. Freshmen with Advisory are not allowed to leave the building. However, their Advisory becomes a supervised AUT second semester.
*Release Time allows the student to either arrive for their 2nd period (with 1st hour Release) or leave for their 4th period (with 4th hour Release). They must have their parents' permission form on file and do not need to sign in or out.